Heavenly Harmonies & Bodies
Sound Therapy

Remote Sessions
I have reworked my sound therapy modalities and tech to be able to offer remote sessions for those who cannot or simply do not wish to travel to my office. All sound modalities are offered over zoom or distance energy pathways, depending on clients preference. I have also created an add on option for packages to include a sound pillow that clients can have on hand to integrate into sound sessions in the comfort of their own home, or use as they see fit between sessions.
Sound Therapy and Vibroacoustics
(aka "Sound Massage")
Sound Therapy and Voice Analysis
Based on the research of Alfred Tomatis, “Every frequency is a nutrient.” All the parts of the body down to the cellular level, including emotions, function at different frequencies. An imbalance in these frequencies can lead to an imbalance in an organ, body system or mental state. The more balanced the energy, the more balanced, efficient and energetic you are.
An imbalance in your body and emotions can happen in many ways:
Irritating Frequencies Growing Up – If you grow up with an irritating frequency (like a critical parent, or a refrigerator or fan) your ear actually turns that frequency down over time. Then when you move out, you now are deficient in that frequency.
Physical Issues or Trauma – These can also create blockages in your system that don’t allow the free flow of frequencies through your system.
Emotional issues or Trauma – These can affect the balance of frequencies in your system. It is like a stuck emotion or negative belief is a frequency that throws off the balance in your system.
Hearing Issues – Simple hearing loss can affect the nutrients that are getting into your body. Based on the research of Alfred Tomatis your voice doesn’t make frequencies that you can’t hear (you can make them, but they don’t naturally come through your voice if you are not hearing them).
The good news is... ALL OF THIS CAN BE MEASURED IN YOUR VOICE (and the remedy is even easier)! By counting the frequencies in select sound clips we can analyze what frequencies (and thier associated organs) are out of balance and what is healthy. In measuring your voice this way, we can then recommend a priority pairnig of missing frequencies to address the imbalance.
The remedy is to play back the missing frequencies into the body to balance it out. It is similar to vitamin therapy – if you are missing a vitamin in the body, you take that vitamin so you have a good balance of all frequencies in the body – so energy can then flow through your whole system.
Toning (singing a vowel at that note) is even more effective than just listening to a song in the key you are missing. The basic idea is that every issue physically and emotionally is supported by a frequency landscape within your whole system. It doesn’t mean that you actually have a certain issue when that landscape is present, but it could lead to that issue manifesting in your system. Your voice reflects that frequency landscape. By listening to sounds or music and/or toning in a certain key, you break up that frequency landscape and the issue can no longer exist.
VAT (VibroAcoustic Therapy) offers multiple benefits and has been documented to stimulate blood circulation, relieve stress, anxiety and its analgesic effect aids in pain management. It lowers blood pressure and calms the autonomic nervous system and decreases spasms and tremors. It provides surface and deep tissue massage effects. VAT has also been found to aid with lungs conditions such as Asthma, COPD and Cystic Fibrosis. What is even more exciting is that not only does VAT help to treat these conditions during sessions, but repeated sessions have shown cumulative positive effects, meaning that the more sessions you have, the more the benefits increase and last for longer periods of time, even after the session is over.

Sound Massage
Research from many hospitals and universities has proven the stress reduction benefits of listening to relaxing music. When using a sound table or pillow, music is not only heard through the ear, but delivered to the body directly, vibrating every part inside and out -- cells, muscles, tendons, and organs, as well as nerves, spinal cord, and areas of the brain and brainstem. This opens the possibility of direct cellular stimulation and a deeper whole-body response. Sound tables and pillows transmit powerful, healing low frequencies through the body that are both relaxing and invigorating at the same time.
Sound Therapy and Acutonics
Acutonics is an integrated approach to health care grounded in Oriental medicine, psychology, science, cosmological studies and sound healing principals. This effective non-invasive methodology works with vibratory energy created through sound. The sounds of planetary bodies are brought into the clinical setting through the use of precision calibrated tuning forks, symphonic gongs, and hand chimes. Health care practitioners from diverse backgrounds are trained in the Acutonics integrative care model which recognizes the whole person, body, mind, and spirit and all aspects of lifestyle. Special emphasis is placed in the creation of partnerships between practitioner and patient, and in finding the right balance between conventional and alternative health care models that facilitate the body’s innate wisdom to heal. This approach to health and wellness embraces the concept of a musical and undivided universe. A belief found through time, across cultures, and many healing and spiritual traditions, where numerous references cite the power of sound to create, generate, transform, and give birth to new ideas and new consciousness.
Everything in the Universe vibrates, from the smallest particle, to the planets in our solar system, to the billions of stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, creating patterns of geometric waveforms, frequencies, musical intervals, and sounds. In Western culture, The Music of the Spheres, or the concept of these heavenly harmonies can be traced back to 6th century BCE and Pythagoras, who recognized that sounds are subject to mathematical laws and proportions, and were the very foundation of the Universe. In the Eastern tradition the idea that sound is the generator of the universe dates back even further with references found in ancient texts from China as well as in the writings of the Vedas and Hindus.
The sounds of the Universe are brought into health care through the use of precision calibrated planetary tuning forks and symphonic planetary gongs. Acupressure points and chakras provide noninvasive access into these core energy systems within the body. The planets provide musical intervals, archetypes, psychological depth and correspondence that help us to fine tune the therepeutic frequencies that are applied to the body.

Needle-less Acupuncture with Sound!
As the acutonics system is heavily influenced by Traditional Chinese Medicine, these sessions are much like going to visit an acupucturist. Like in an acupuncture session, you will be left on the table to relax and allowing the healing to sink in for a time (once the determined acupuncture points have been administered to via sound and vibration). Also because it is derived partly from TCM, it generally takes multiple sessions to restore the desired balance to the clients. Because these healings are so strong, they generally cannot be administered all at once, as it can cause a reversed imbalance. Rather, they are used sparingly and over time to gently bring the client back into harmony with themselves for lasting results. This matches very well with the sound therapy side of it, as more sessions create a stronger entrainment to that healthy vibration.
This modality is amazing because it can literally be applied to just about any specific complaint any client may have, and can affect people in a myriad of positive ways. If there is something in particular you wish to achieve in a session, please me know, and we’ll see what we can do to achieve it together!
Sound Therapy and Zobet Forks
In addition to acutonics forks, I use another set called the zobet forks. People very much tend to like one set or the other, so if you didn't get what you wanted out of one, I strongly recommend you try the other.
The zobet forks are based on an extended solfeggio system based on sacred numbers. They are used almost entirely off body in an hour long ritual. Early in the session the client is lulled into a restorative trance-like sleep (similar to what often happens on the sound table). This is because of the constant 111 hz being emitted throughout, even though nine pairs of forks of different frequencies are used over the course of the session.
This system is an amazing modality, as it can literally work miracles. The only downside is that for some people it seems to have no effect at all. This is likely because while the acutonic forks work specifically and can get very concrete results, the zobet forks just do a very nonspecific, but extremely deep energetic clearing. For this reason, I tend to only use my acutonics forks on people unless they (on the rare occasion) do not respond well to them, or if there is a big need for a miracle to happen, which often does. These are the forks I'm talking about when I mention the client with a (huge) anger management problem suddenly turned empathic and used their words for three months afterwards. There is just an incredible mood/perspective shift that happens as people suddenly turn into their best selves. Another client suddenly had their intuition activated and could hear their spirit guides afterward. It's always interesting to hear people's experiences after a session!